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Matt Makai - Python web dev & Twilio Developer Evangelist.

@mattmakai on Twitter & GitHub


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Django in Production

Django is easy to get started with, especially if you already have a programming background in a "heavier" language like Java. When I first started creating websites with Django 0.96, I was programming Java systems during the day and relaxed in the evenings by using Python/Django. I found the speed at which I could create sites... read more

"DevOps is Ruining My Craft"

This DevOps blog post is a great satirical take on the automation and DevOps movement. The post is written as an "interview" with a current sysadmin and it's definitely worth the quick read.

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Python Context Managers

During my talk to django-district last night, I explained that Django 1.4 drops support for Python 2.4 because the core committers wanted to use Python's context managers. Python 2.4 would not suffice because context managers are a Python 2.5+... read more

Django 1.4 Beta Released

The Django 1.4 beta release is now available for testing.

Although the 1.4 beta can be downloaded as a package, it's probably best to get it from the SVN... read more

Django District February Meetup Lightning Talk

I'll be giving a 10 minute lightning talk on updates and incompatibilities in the upcoming Django 1.4 release. If you're interested in Python/Django and want to hear more, read more

Django 1.4 Requires Python 2.5+

Django 1.4 is the first Django release to remove support for Python 2.4. This change is an expected for two reasons. First, beginning with Django 1.2, Python 2.3 support was dropped and the community was notified... read more

What the Django's ORM Author Hates About It

Alex Gaynor, a Django core committer and author of much of the object-relational mapping (ORM) code, gave a presentation on what he hates about the mapping layer. Every ORM layer in existence has issues, especially for edge cases, but Django's... read more

The Seven Steps

There are at least seven distinct steps towards Internet entrepreneurship. I'll begin with the caveat that these seven steps only apply in the Internet space and not other avenues such as starting a bakery. From my (limited) experience, everyone goes through these steps in order. Some steps take hours, while others can take years.

The... read more

Specify HTML File for PhoneGap and iOS

When working with iOS applications and using PhoneGap, you'll often want to use a different file name than "index.html" for your first page. This can be tricky for first time PhoneGap/iOS developers because there is no stub function or properties file for specifying the file like there is in Android and BlackBerry... read more

Heroku on Ubuntu 10.04

A couple of guys from Heroku gave a talk tonight at DC Python and it looked like a good solution for running small sites. However, I was disappointed that set up was more difficult on Ubuntu 10.04 than turn key installers on Windows and Mac OS X. The set up read more

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